Native-Language Arts
There are a set of acceptable standards for succeeding in Native-Language Arts in school. Below is a summary of the main native language arts points that many teachers are familiar with:
LISTEN in the native languageon a daily basis in order to:
- Listen respectfully and responsively
- Recognize the use and impact of effective language
- Demonstrate culturally appropriate body language asa listener
- Identify own purpose for listening
- Recognize content-specific vocabulary or terminology,or jargon unique to particular groups of people.
SPEAK in the native languageon a daily basisin order to:
- Respond respectfully
- Initiate communication with peers and adults in theschool and local community
- Use presentational format appropriate for the audience and purpose
- Use language and syntactic structures of the primarylanguage appropriate to the message and audience
- Apply delivery techniques such as voice projection, and demonstrate physical poise
- Use culturally accepted and effective nonverbal communication techniques to help disclose message
- Use visual aids and props effectively
- Respond to audience reaction and adapt presentation
- Establish and maintain culturally appropriate rapport with audience.
READ a minimum of 25 books or theequivalent per year in the native language acrossall content areas and standards in order to:
- Identify purpose for reading
- Adjust reading rate according to purpose for reading
- Use knowledge of native language’s character system, grammar, and overall context to determine meaning
- Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using classroom and other resources
- Distinguish between dictionary meaning and implied meaning of the author’s words
- Identify transitional words or phrases in the native language that make text cohesive
- Use knowledge of grammatical conventions to assist in comprehension
- Use strategies (such as discussing with others, reading guides and summaries, reading aloud) to assist in comprehension
- Identify opportunities for improvement in reading comprehension skills, such as exposure to wider range of writers, topics, and styles
- Maintain a personal reading list to reflect readinggoals and accomplishments.
WRITE an average of 1,000 words per month in the native language across all content areasand standards in order to:
- Understand the purpose for writing; for example, explain, describe, narrate, persuade, and express feelings
- Identify the intended audience
- Use culturally and linguistically appropriate tone and language for intended audience and purpose
- Use prewriting activities; for example, brainstorming, freewriting, note taking, and outlining
- Use the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and editing)
- Write clear and concise linguistically appropriate sentences
- Observe linguistically appropriate rules for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
- Use and apply linguistically correct syntactic structures and constructions
- Use culturally and linguistically appropriate words or phrases to produce an organizational format that provides direction, coherence, and/or unity
- Use dictionaries, thesauruses, and style manuals
- Use computer technology to create, manipulate, andedit text
These are the BROAD goals to achieve. But deciding how to achieve them is where teachers, schools, and districts need to create their own plans, based on their unique students and social/economic circumstances. An educational consultant can help assess these factors and advise on developing the best curriculum.